Imagine being able to take your kids outside and sit in a lounge chair for longer than 1.3 minutes. This outdoor summertime activity for toddlers and preschoolers is one that will cost you pennies and keep your kids busy for a surprisingly long time.
You’ll be able to finish a whole glass of ice cold lemonade while watching your crew find joy in this activity!
Keep It Simple!
This is an process oriented activity that will allow kids to freely explore the materials with zero assistance needed by an adult.
Before you head out to gather supplies…my only advice is to get enough for everyone.

Supplies You Will Need:
- Household Paint Brushes (Dollar Tree!)
- Small pails or buckets or bowls
- Water

- Head outside.
- Fill each bucket or bowl with water from the hose.
- Set out a paint brush for each child.

Go Time:
- Kick up your feet and let the kids explore while kids pretend to paint your driveway, the outdoor playhouse, the riding toys…your house? …you name it.

Don’t sweat it this summer! Give it a try!
Painting with water…. will this hold their interest? Or, am I missing something?
Hi Patti!
That’s it! Just painting with water. That’s what makes this activity so great…it’s inexpensive and there’s no mess. You’ll be surprised how long a group of kids will pretend to “paint”! Let me know how it goes if you try it. Thanks so much for stopping by The Empowered Provider site!