You don’t often seen “3D” and “Preschool” in the same sentence, but this next color recognition activity will bring rainbows to life for those tiny humans who are getting to know their reds and blues and yellows.

What I love best about this project is that it is VERY EASY to prep and once you set out the supplies and showcase a short 20-second demo, you can set the kids free to create and explore with the materials.

Supplies You Will Need:
- Blue construction Paper (any color will do, really) – 1 per child
- Construction Paper – various colors
- Glue Sticks
- Pre-cut strips of construction paper so you have a nice assortment representing the colors of the rainbow.
- Talk about what the term “3D” means. Leslie over at Kindergarten Works does a really nice job of telling you how to do this.
Go Time!
- Layout the supplies needed on a table.
- Demonstrate how to stick a colored strip onto the paper by gluing one end down (press firmly with your finger for a few seconds) and then gluing the other end of the strip down.

Notes: This will be easy for some kids, yet difficult for some. The good news is that this is a ‘process oriented project’; meaning there is no wrong outcome. Kids will need to experiment with how long they must hold down the strip to get it to stay put. Others will grow impatient and just stick the pieces flat to the paper—that’s okay!

Other Options to Change Things Up a Bit!
Extension: Start this project by hiding the colorful strips around the room! Set a timer and have the kids hunt for the strips they will use on their project, or gather together and sort into labeled piles (red, blue, yellow, green, orange, etc) — A great way to get some sorting & classification work in!
Alteration: Use only white strips of paper on a white background/base. Once the 3D strips are in place, bring out small paint brushes and paint. The kids can add color to strip arches themselves!
Looking for more ways to teach color recognition that will boost engagement? Try this fun exercise!

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