Celebrating May Day with my child care isn’t something I started right away. Then I got to thinking…as business owners, who work inside their home within a neighborhood…May Day is a great way to build community between your program and your neighbors! Today I am going to share an easy May Day Basket idea that requires very little prep but produces loads of excitement and fun!
Market Your Child Care Program on May Day
Intentionally add a note (or your business card) signed with your program’s name inside the May Day basket.
Why? Marketing of course! You never know when a neighbor could give out your name as a referral!

May Day 2020
May Day for the year 2020 is celebrated on Friday, May 1st.
Why is May Day Celebrated?
May Day is on the 1st of May each year. Most adults don’t know the origin of May Day (I know I didn’t), so it can be tricky to explain it to young children.
Here is a quick link where you can access a kid-friendly way to explain May Day to the kids in your group.
The May Pole is a great way to start with some cool videos of kids dancing with the long ribbons. Here’s a fun youtube video for starters. Keep your explanation simple; discuss why it would be fun to celebrate the start of spring and share that excitement with your neighbors and friends.
What Countries Celebrate May Day?
According to www.timanddate.com, a lot of countries celebrate May Day.
May 1 is a national holiday many European countries including (but not exclusive to): Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden. It is also celebrated in countries in Central America, such as Costa Rica and Panama, and in some parts of the Caribbean, including Cuba.
Supplies You Will Need for this May Day Basket
- small paper cups
- hole punch
- sturdy string or pipe cleaners
- mini candies of your choice (dum dum suckers or tootsie rolls work great!)
- small squares of construction paper for notes (optional)
- stickers (optional)

Set out the supplies to prepare for assembly.

How To Assemble Your May Day Basket
- Punch a hole on one side of the cup and then another directly across on the opposite side.
- Cut a piper cleaner in half.
- Insert one end into one hole and twist to secure and do the same on the other side. There’s your handle!
- Fill the cups with candies and add a cheerful note! (For the kids who can’t quite write yet, apply some spring-themed stickers to your note.)
- Add the words “Happy May Day” somewhere in or on your May Day basket as many of your recipients may not realize what the surprise is for!

The Delivery!
- Talk to your group about how the process works before you head out, and watch the excitement build!
- Role playing can be very helpful. Pretend to tip toe up to a door, ring the doorbell and then run away! The goal is to not be seen by the person you are delivering goodies to!
- Load up the littles in a stroller or wagon and let the bigger kids walk.
- Take turns sending kids up to the door (one can carry the treat and set it on the step, while the other child rings the doorbell).

Other May Day Basket Images
There are a lot of creative and easy ways to make your own May Day baskets! Here are some cute ideas I found online! Click on the images below to learn more!
- If your group consists of very young kids, consider assembling the majority of the baskets (attaching the handles) the night before and only leave a few to assemble with the kids. Allow the kids the main task of filling the cups with treats.
- Assemble an extra May Day basket (or two) for each child to take home to their neighborhood. Once they see the fun in action, they’ll want to do the same for someone who lives close to their house.
- Take photos and videos to share with your clients!
That’s it! Have fun and hope for a sunny warm day to complete your May Day Mission!
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